Mother's day was a little bit more special this year for me since my mom was able to come down to visit us with my father. But it was more of a visit as a grandmother! than a mother. :) Mariana, Mariana 2, Abigail, Tatiane, my mother, Natali, and Lais
We had a special Sunday School Mission's Competition. The ones who won went on a trip to Santos to visit an aquarium. (Abigail, Joice, Dani)
Felipe and Rodolfo. Rodolfo didn't win in the competion, but he is studying in Santos so we were able to encourage and visit him while we there.

Dani and I with Santos in the backdrop.
On Brazil's equivalent of Valentines Day, we did a banquet with two of our churches where the couples were supposed to come dressed up as certain famous duos. They did an excellent job with their costumes and our special speaker that evening eventually in the months to come became the pastor of our church! :) (Lili and Silvio disguised as Mario and his princess)
Pastor Shawn and Donna, our co-workers, as ...... well, I think the picture already lets you know. Definitely, a classic couple.
You won't know who this couple (Nuvia and Marcio) represent, but any Brazilian seeing this couple with one holding a teacup and the other with flowers instantly knows them of a famous couple on an old TV show called "Chaves".
Marcia and Carlao disguised as Cinderella and the Prince. Marcia made this dress especially for that evening, and Carlao shaved off his beard! :)

Dani and I with Santos in the backdrop.

Sidenote: Somehow Dani and I got stuck with being Donald Duck and Daisy, and since I am the one responsible for putting the pictures on this site, I decided to leave that picture out! :)
Can't forget the teenagers. Well, this was not a Valentines Banquet but late on we had a special night for our college age group.

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